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Sunday, October 2, 2016

New story please dont bite me

To: Lelaki weird dan stranger

Show me your world and i will show you mine,
Show me your love and i will show you mine,
Show me your sadness and i will show you mine.
Let's explore this world together.

From: A girl you see in quiet.

random post

Assalamualaikum and hi.

I always wanted to talk. There is many things in my mind but still quite hard for me to type on this blogspot. Currently, i am having my Sunday at my home college. Tg Malim yang sunyi, kamar yang sunyi segalanya senyap. Bikin aku berdiam diri. Walapunpun begitu aku terasa tenang dan nyaman. Past this year there is few things happen and effect me badly.

Teringat kata kata Hijrah bila aku bilang padanya kali ini segalanya nampak semakin okay.

Katanya: Aku tak sanggup tengok hang merana dah eda. Cukuplah aku tengok haritu.

hmmmm. till then, i dont think i want to talk about this. bye.

Friday, May 20, 2016

Ada Apa dengan Cinta?

Resah di dadamu, 
Rahasia yang menanti di jantung puisi ini dipisahkan kata,

Apa khabar hari ini?
Lihat tanda tanya itu jurang antara kebodohan dan keinginanku untuk memiliki mu,
Sekali lagi.....

Some random post

Assalamualaikum, hey there.

I want to write, I want to talk and I want to feel good. Don't get me wrong, I do feel good but sometimes it's just not our day. It's almost one year since me being single after 6 years on a long distance relationship. I find being single is quite good. First, I get to have my own time with myself. I noticed that being single make me want to explore more things in life. Before this, I just texting, texting and texting. Now, there are no person to text with me! So by that, I need to avoid my boredom and I start read more books, watch good films and I started play guitar! Guess what, I bought one. Hehe. Like I said, it just give time for myself and with my heartbroken I started to play with art more.

When night comes and everything sound quiet, I read Lang Leav. Her book fit me well. It just me inspiration to write poem.

Why I am writing here? Actually, there is a lot to say. A LOT till I decide to keep quiet. Silent people make the loudest mind, right? What I know, I want to write. Write sometime good.